Welcome back team!

2015 has kicked off and it won't be long before the first races of the season are upon us. It's time to talk training, racing and laying it on the line for club and maybe even country!Tomorrow is D-day for the Crystal Palace Triathlon. Entries open around midday January 12th so get your finger on the button ready to go. This is a fantastic sprint distance triathlon with a 750m pool swim followed by a challenging 20km bike on closed roads with plenty of ups and downs, twists and turns and finally a 5km run with more ups and downs and finishing on the famous Crystal Palace athletics track. It will sell out within hours so block the diary from 11:30-12:30 and get yourself in there!We have a host of other races for you to show off your LFTC kit at. Here is a list of those events that we will train for and aim to race at as a club:London League races - races we will target as a club are in italics but feel free to enter the other races if you think they suit your strengths or you just fancy giving them a go.

If you are going for London League honours you must participate in at least one triathlon and it is your best four results that will decide whether or not you get a spot on the podium. I suggest you don't put all your eggs in four baskets though. Choose four 'A' races and another one or two 'B' races so you have a few race results up your sleeve.In addition we have a few bigger challenges for you with some sprint, standard (Olympic) and middle distance races to compete in too:

The girls team took out the London League last year and we had four individual age group winners too (3 of the girls and 1 of the boys). This year we go for the overall win which means the boys are going to have to lift their game to match the strength of our formidable girls!See you Tuesday night, Tim (LFTC Coach).


The London League and club championships explained


Properly chicked this time