London Fields Triathlon Club was formed in October 2009 after a chance meeting between Chris Skinner and Guy Holbrow at London Fields Lido. Guy’s pal Tim Smith happened to be a triathlon coach, and the first seeds were sown.

In early January 2010, twenty enthusiastic members met in the snow for our first session. From these humble beginnings, the club has steadily attracted a growing membership base and now has over 300 members and is a thriving community of enthusiastic triathletes.

We offer training and competition in a friendly environment for everyone from complete novices to hardened Ironman veterans. We are a not for profit, community focused club run by volunteers and we like to think our members get out what they put in, which is often a lot of time, energy and love!

LFTC runs a full constitution, with volunteer members elected to a representative committee. We are members of the British Triathlon Federation, and we are committed to achieving the highest level of club mark and creating a thriving juniors section in addition to the adults wing of the club.

club rules

    1. LFTC and its members shall abide by the policies and procedures of the British Triathlon Federation including but not limited to its Safeguarding Policy, Equality & Diversity Policy and Anti-Doping Policy (copies of which can be found under the heading ‘Policy Documents’ by following this link).

    2. Members agree not to bring LFTC into disrepute.

    3. Members must treat other members, volunteers, participants, and families and friends of participants with courtesy and respect.

    4. Members must take responsibility for their own personal health, and notify the lead coach before every training session if they have a condition, illness or injury that may endanger themselves or those around them.

    5. Members must follow LFTC’s rules and procedures, including those relating to health & safety, safeguarding children, equal opportunities and use of personal information.

    6. Members should arrive no later than 5 minutes before the session is to begin and wait in the appropriate area according to the facility.

    1. The local swimming pool rules must be adhered to.

    2. Members must not enter the water until an appropriate number of lifeguards is in place for all swim sessions.

    3. In open water, members must make themselves aware of all specific dangers relating to the chosen location. Members must take their own appropriate safety precautions, and ensure reasonable safety cover is in place (see Open Water Guidelines, T17).

    4. Members must not swim in prohibited areas.

    1. Helmets must be worn at all times.

    2. Cyclists must obey the Highway Code.

    3. Cyclists must be courteous to other road users.

    4. Cyclists must ensure that all bicycles and cycling equipment are in good working order and will satisfy the BTF rules for competition.

    1. Members must have due regard for pedestrians and other legitimate users of footpaths, roads and bridleways, and any other users of the land, especially farmers.

    2. When taking part in the long run, all athletes must notify the lead coach and one other person if they do not intend to complete the session in full – i.e. once you begin a session, you will be expected at the finish.

    1. Members must obey all rules relating to the event they are competing in and compete in a sportsman-like manner.