We want you
The Kingfisher Aquathlon and Clash of the Tritons Aquathlon are both open for registration. Get in quick before they fill up so that you can compete for the club in the London League. These events will be great practise for your 'A' races (the races you are really aiming to do well in). They'll also be great fun because there will be a fantastic team atmosphere. Go on do it!
How do you know when you've made it as a triathlon club? You appear on the Triathlete Europe website under 'press release' and 'recent stories' along side names like Armstrong, Wellington, Jenkins and Brownlee. Check it out here!
Nice work Dan and Chris for spreading the word about our soon to be famous little event.
This Sunday's swim is our aerobic development session so bring a good set of lungs! We'll also be working on some sculling drills to help develop that effective catch and pull phase to propel you forwards through the water. Speaking of lungs have a read of the Swim Smooth blog about breathing into the trough that is created by the bow wave when you have the correct head position. You might just have a 'eureka moment' on Sunday when you try it.
Karl's run is a combination of 5km pace intervals and sprints. You might be interested in reading this article to find out why speed work over the winter months can help you run faster come race day.
I'm keeping it short this week for a change. See you Sunday. Tim (LFTC Coach)