Tuesday track session recap

Judging by the turn out and talk afterwards it seemed the session at the track was a big hit. I found it quite amusing that a synthetic rubber track could freeze! I thought it would be worth recapping some of what we talked about in our drill set, which focussed on drills to assist the propulsive phase of running.

The drills we practised were based on four basic functional movements - jumping, hopping, skipping and bounding. The idea with all the drills is to keep ground contact time short - imagine a spring coiling and recoiling as it hits the ground. All the drills we practised could be progressed by performing the same drills on stairs, on an upward slope or over obstacles such as boxes or hurdles. Even more fun is using natural terrain just like Kilian Jornet in the video from last week's blog!

Some people might be saying 'Should we be doing this kind of session in the winter? Isn't winter training all about long aerobic endurance runs?' I don't think so. Many of the physiological adaptations you get from long aerobic runs can also be stimulated by high intensity interval training. That's not to say there isn't a place for those long aerobic runs, there is and we'll be doing those too. I am a big believer in keeping training sessions varied, interesting and fun. Of course there is a valid reason for performing every session and we are always working towards achieving specific goals.

This week we are hitting the canal paths for a long endurance run. Long is 12km so not long really if you are Sebastian A! Please consider your current state of fitness before turning up on Tuesday. The canal paths are quite dark in places. I would urge everyone to wear something high viz and preferably bring a head torch. As Kilian Jornet had such an effect on you last week, here is a video called 'Running at Night' featuring KJ.

Some people mentioned starting at Mile End Stadium. What we will do is start at Well St Common but run past Mile End Stadium at 7:20pm. Join us at that point if you like. When we get back to Well St Common those who joined us at Mile End can continue on. There is a distinct possibility that the canal paths will be unsafe to use due to snow and ice. If this is the case we will let you know on Tuesday via Facebook. The session will either be cancelled or an alternative session will be arranged.

Lastly, a chance to check out the running form of one of triathlon's best runners. Here you can see one of Craig Alexander's typical run sessions that follows a long bike. Crowie does have great running form. See if you can pick up some of the points from my last blog about the propulsive phase of running. Take a look at the following points:

  1. Where his foot lands relative to his centre of gravity
  2. The action of the leg and in particular the movement from the hips
  3. The position of the trunk
  4. The action of the arms

By the way, if you have signed up for one of the GB age group qualification races come and have a chat to me next weekend. The third and final Olympic distance qualification race will be announced this week (we hope). Check out the British Triathlon website for details.

That's it from me this week. Swim, ride and run safely! Hopefully see you Tuesday. Tim (LFTC Coach)


It's time think about racing!


An AGM Update