Sunday sneak peek
I'm keeping it short and simple this week. No time for a big old rant about triathlon related stuff! I'm handing the reins over to our new Level 2 coaches for the next eight weeks so that they can complete the course requirements for the Level 2 qualification. Any feedback about the swim sessions to any of the coaches would be much appreciated.
The swim session this week is based on your CSS or Critical Swim Speed. If this phrase is not familiar to you (and I hope it is!) check out this link. If you have not calculated your CSS recently (and I hope you have!) check out this blog from a few weeks ago to find out how you might do it in one of your own sessions.
I noticed a few new names on the swim lists for this weekend. To those newbies who don't yet know how we work you are expected to bring fins and a pull buoy to each session. We don't provide them I am afraid without them you will not get the most out of the session. It's going to be cold. Really cold. I suggest you wear a good quality LFTC latex swim cap at the very least and if you are prone to feeling the cold you can wear your wetty but only because it's going down to -3 over night!
See you Sunday. Tim (LFTC Coach)