The season kicks off!

The triathlon season kicked off last weekend in Mooloolaba, Australia. Javier Gomez took out the men's race and Anne Haug the women's. GB's Jodie Stimpson was second across the line in one of the best finishes of her career. You can watch brief highlights of both the men's and women's race by following these links: Men's and Women's highlights. I think we are going to see great things from both Anne Haug and Jodie Stimpson this year. It was obvious at the end of last season that both were starting to make real progress with coach Darren Smith.

I was asked to right a blog about training with heart rate. It's a big old topic and worthy of more than just a few paragraphs. This week I am not going to get time to give it the attention it deserves but I have found what I think is a well written article about training with heart rate for you. I hope you find it useful as there is a lot of information out there, some of which if very good and some which we should should just ignore. If you are interested take a look at this link: Triathlon Training Principles - Heart Rate Training.

Just a reminder that the run session this Tuesday will be at the Mile End Stadium. Remember your £2.90 entry fee. See you tomorrow night at the track. Tim (LFTC Coach).




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