Season's greetings!
So it's been a pretty incredible year for this little triathlon club from East London. We have had four members of the club make their respective national age group teams (Andrew Finn, Amanda Wilmer, Ailanore Harper - GB and Sarah Allen - NZ). There is more to come next year I'm sure. Sebastian Arroyave - Colombia?
We have put on two fantastic events with great feedback from participants about the spirit in which these events were run. One of these events was included in the Zone 3 Triathlon London League Race Series. Speaking of which when I last checked we were in fourth place with the last race results still to be added. Next year we will be on the podium!
We have also had some fantastic race results, none more impressive than CTS Dorset, but many other achievements to be proud of too. Plenty of podium finishes, loads of personal bests, people testing their limits and stepping up a race distance from last season and others taking on and completing events that once might have been unthinkable.
While we might be in the middle of the silly season you might like to take some time out and consider what you would like to achieve next year. This is one of the first steps in planning your 2013 season. Your goals for next year will determine what races you particpate in and how you go about preparing for them. They should provide the motivation you need to swim on the gloomiest of mornings, run when the rain is pelting down outside and throw the bike on the turbo when it's so cold the roads are too icy to ride. Right them down and stick them on the fridge so you see them everyday and share them with others who will help you achieve them. Tell me, tell me!
I love this video. It's called 'Breaking Barriers' and is a short film about the 2012 Norseman, the toughest long distance triathlon in the world. If you watch it right to the end and don't get sweaty eyeballs I'll be very suprised. Actually I'll be disappointed!
Have a great Xmas and New Year! See you on Sunday if you are around. Tim (LFTC Coach).