Sample run session plan 1

Sadly I won't be there this Sunday for our first club run. However you might like to follow this session plan. If your not sure where to go I am sure one of the the local lads/lasses can act as your guide. Having just survived Xmas and New Year it may have been a while since you were out for a run. This is a simple even paced session to help you get your running legs back before we move into more challenging sessions in the next few months.

Warm up:

  • 5-10mins jog around London Fields to warm up. RPE 11-12.
  • If you prefer to perform static stretches pre-run this is the time to do them. I use the drills below as a form of dynamic stretch and perform static stretches post-run only.

Technique drills

  • Perform the drills in my Running Tips 1 blog

Main set: RPE 13-15

  • The route: Head down through Broadway towards Regent's Canal. Cross the road and head onto the canal heading East. Follow the canal until you get to the first gate to enter Victoria Park. Enter Victoria Park.
  • Short route: Follow the path from the canal and then turn right on the main path. Follow the main path that loops around the West end of the park and back to the gate that you entered the park from. Return to London Fields Lido via the same route (total 4.5km).
  • Medium route: Follow the path from the canal and then turn right on the main path. Follow the main path that loops around the West end of the park, exit the Crown Gate West and cross the road entering the Crown Gate East. Follow the main path around the outside of the East end of the park to Royal Gate East. Exit the Royal Gate East and cross the road entering the Royal Gate West. Follow the main path straight in front of you around to the gate that you entered the park from. Return to London Fields Lido via the same route (total 7.5km).
  • Long route: Follow the medium route above but complete two laps of the Victoria Park (total 12km).

Cool down:

  • Jog/walk 5-10mins in London Fields
  • Static stretches for calf, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, gluteals and trunk.

Now children take care crossing the roads! Look both ways, cross on the green man, use the zebra crossing not the bicycle crossing (between Crown Gates of Victoria Park). But seriously please be careful not everyone will be looking out for you on the roads.
Have fun! Tim (LFTC Coach)


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