The race season begins!

The ITU World Championship Series kicked off in Auckland last weekend. Both the women's and men's races were great to watch. Jodie Stimpson had a fantastic race to take the top podium spot in the elite women's race. Javier Gomez had an incredible run to drop Jonny Brownlee in the last mile to take the win in the men's race.

I was listening to an interview with Jan Frodeno this afternoon and he mentioned something that I had been thinking about this week. I am not a big fan of the Brownlees barking orders at the other athletes when they race. By all means shout at your brother, even your team mate, but don't tell other athletes how to race. In my mind it is not good sportsmanship. The other guys have to work out strategies to beat the Brownlees, race their own race and put it all on the line, not do as their told by the guys they are trying to beat. The Brownlees are great athletes but I would like to see them stop telling their competitors how to race.

It is also the start of the London Triathlon League this weekend. There are still places available for the Kingfisher Aquathlon this Sunday if you are keen to join the team. C'mon you know you want to! We also have five places available to us for the Crystal Palace Triathlon so if you missed out, send the club an email with Crystal Palace Triathlon in the subject line. It is our first sprint distance club championships you know!

See you this weekend poolside and at the Kingfisher Aquathlon, Tim (LFTC Coach).


Race Round-up: Kingfisher Aquathlon


The Ironman Run