Our 2018/2019 Award Winners! - A quick note from Ellie & Matt

Ellie and Matt have been a long-standing members of our committee and our maginificent Club Captains for the last two years. Last night, during our AGM, they presented the awards for our 2018/2019 season (winning our one of our much sought after LFTC cups (mugs)) to celebrate the highlights of the amazing achievements within our club this year! Here's a quick note from them summarising ...

 Hi LFTCersIt was lovely to see so many of the at the AGM last night!As we said - our annual awards are something we do each year and it is one of the best bits about being Club Captain. We thought it worth sharing the results for everyone who wasn't there including a fair number of the winners (message Ellie and we can arrange a time for you to collect your mug at a session). So so so so many excellent things to celebrate from first triathlons ever, first IMs, age group qualifications, podiums galore to a million socials, races and trips away organised by awesome people - we couldn't give you all an award, simply too many of you but seriously - WELL DONE ALL!The last two years have been a pleasure, and it's time to pass the proverbial 'torch', over to Sarah Jones and Greg Divall as club captains for 2019/2020….. We know you both will be AWESOME.LFTC love,Ellie and Matt

Club champs winners 2019:
  • Aquathlon (LFTC) - Greg Divall and Sarah Whittaker-Axon
  • Duathlon (Ballbuster) - TBC in November…. it is going to be fun and horrific in equal measure!
  • Sprint (Thames Turbo) - Caleb Kennedy and Sarah Jones
  • Crystal Palace (because more people entered Crystal Palace than the 'official sprint club champs') - Ross Jarvis and Ellie Wiseman
  • Olympic (Thorpe Park) - Ross Jarvis and Charlotte Bell
  • Middle (Swashbuckler) - Paddy Wightman and Rose Eden
  • Beer Mile – Matt Stevens and Ellie Wiseman
  • Time Trial - Ross Jarvis and Ellie Wiseman

 Don't worry Ross – We grouped these together so you have a bumper mug.  Coach awards 2019:

  • Coach of the year - Sabrina O'Dwyer for so much behind the scenes work well beyond the calls of a coach including the coaching administrator - making sure all the sessions have a coach, stepping up to do the coaching when one can't be found or finding an alternative solution, so much work with the juniors section this year, making posters when no one else steps up to do it, various comms behind the scenes (another unsung hero).
  • Most improved – Ellie Wiseman (she says thank you… her new advice is enter you something (Ellie entered an Ironman) that you genuinely don't know if you can complete, which will scare you into doing some training, which in turn (shockingly) makes you better which is a happy side effect!).

 Other, some regular awards plus a few new ones 2019

  • Christopher Columbus (i.e. most travelled and most raced) – Henry Ho with a casual 2 full IM, around 5 halves, at least 5 standard, weekend warrior at the London Tri, countless 10ks, park runs etc, at least 5 countries – Kudos!.
  • Rocky Balboa (biggest comeback) – Cole Pugson after a horrendous crash that took her out for months including a shoulder injury which stopped her swimming for even longer after she'd started her run/bike comeback but she completed SwimRun Norway (over 50km running and 8km swimming) and the Dart 10km.
  • Most daring – Sally Mcdowall for her bike rescue - Matt did an excellent summary of the story for the attendees at the AGM - we thought this was worth a prize as well as getting her bike back!
  • Contribution kudos (unsung hero) - Alice Watts for all her help to Helen Webb and generally expanding and improving a committee role which previously was a pretty cushy job.
  • Biggest liability (most ridiculous incident) - Pete Smith (so many contenders but the grate (not gate) incident at Club Camp won it).
  • Best race performance – Charlotte Bell - Greg highlighted all the people who had qualified for age group events on a World and European level which is AMAZING to have so many people who qualified but it is a whole other thing to then go on and win your age group at the European champs and come third overall so your performance was our winner.
  • Newcomer of the year – Ross Jarvis who technically did join towards the end of the 2018 season but casually won Crystal Palace overall as well as our club champs and it was his first ever triathlon - plus see above for winning three club champs.
  • Triathlete of the year - Paddy Wightman for an absolutely smashing season, first ever middle (won it), second in the London Triathlon, 15th in Wales and qualifying for Kona.



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