A little homework for y'all
I am a little time pressed this week to write a whole blog myself so I am going to point you in the direction of a couple of interesting bits of info provided by people much smarter than myself!Firstly, I think this article by Matt Dixon of Purple Patch Fitness is worth a read. Matt's website is a great resource for training related information. I like Matt's idea that peak performance is about a journey which involves the layering of months and years of consistent training. As this season comes to an end it is worth starting to think about what you would like to achieve next season and beyond. As Matt says in the article 'To be successful on a daily basis you must have a clear sense of purpose and direction'.
Secondly, there has been a lot of debate about the high carb low fat versus the low carb high fat diet recently both in terms of performance and long term health. It's a pretty hot topic and a lot of people are taking quite extreme views. This interview with Bob Seebohar on IM Talk this week sums things up in a very sensible way. You can listen here. The interview with Bob starts at about  65mins into the podcast.
The sequence of photos above are from the 2013 Ironman World Championships. Mirinda Carfrae won in a new course record. In fact Rinnie ran faster than all three male podium finishers. She made it look oh so easy as she ran past 2012 Ironman World Champion Pete Jacobs, until she hit the finish line! if you are going to collapse in a heap that is the place to do it after all. All the best to the LFTC crew competing in the Jekyll and Hyde Park Duathlon. Give it some welly (or jandal as we say in NZ)! See you this weekend, Tim (LFTC Coach).