LFTC take gold and bronze and your CSS results

LFTC Coach Amanda took first place in the half-marathon and LFTC long timer James Ralph took third place in the marathon at the CTS South Devon event over the weekend. Nice work! Congratulations to you both and to all of you who took part and completed this beautiful but gruelling event.You know we are going to ask 'Who knows their CSS?' So here are the lastest results. If you are not familiar with the idea of CSS testing and how to use the results of these tests in training then take a look at this blog by Swim Smooth. If you have not completed a CSS test recently i.e. within the last six weeks, then I suggest you do so that you can pace your training sessions effectively. Can't see your name in the results? Just give us a couple of days to enter everyone's data.Be safe, Tim (LFTC Coach).


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