Get your speedos on boys!

For two races in a row our girls have beaten the lads in the water. Sarah Paterson in fact had the second fastest swim time in the entire field at our aquathlon. She was even quicker than our Red Top rivals! If you haven't seen Sarah swim she's like our very own Jono Van Hazel. That's a very big compliment Sarah. Just ask Coach Amanda 'Minky' Wilmer about Jono!

It was newcomer Joe Edmonds who was the first LFTC member across the line in our aquathlon in a very respectable 6th place overall. Ellen Greaves was the fastest female from LFTC and she came in 12th overall. Both were 4th in their respective categories. It was another great event. Congratulations to all those involved in the planning and organisation.

Ellen had the fastest swim time of the LFTC crew at the Thames Turbo Triathlon last weekend. Rohan Byles was only 10sec off the pace (You'll get her next time eh Rohan?). Ellen was our fastest female and Felipe Almeida our fastest male in the race. Nice work everyone who got up early on Easter Monday to brave the awful conditions.

We still need people to sign up for upcoming London League events including the Dragon Slayer Duathlon and Kingfisher Aquathlon. The Dragon Slayer will suit those strong cyclists and the Kingfisher Aquathlon has a great long off-road run with a short swim so ideal for those strong runners. I did both events last year and can thoroughly recommend them.

It's a big session this weekend. A full house! Please get to the Lido to start the session on time with your fins, pull buoys and paddles if you have them. We'll need your cooperation with such a big group for things to run smoothly. Our soon to be Level 2 coaches, Seb Balcombe and Amanda Wilmer, are planning the sessions for the next few weeks. Let then know what you think of the sessions. With regular feedback from our members we can deliver the kind of sessions you want.

For those of you that have been videoed recently and watched videos of others you might have noticed the various head positions people hold while swimming. Swim Smooth posted an interesting blog about this very thing. Take a look here. Being told to swim 'downhill' to get a better body position is something you might have heard before. It can do terrible things to your technique for some swimmers. Test out a few different head positions this weekend and see how it feels.

See you this weekend, Tim (LFTC Coach).


New Free Juniors Session


LFTC bust up the dam