A few important messages

Firstly, a message from Alan Spelling the London League co-ordinator.....

“The Senior London League is in full swing with four events done and some fantastic events in the wings. Next on the list, another quality event - the Clash of the Tritons on 7th June. Don’t miss out on a great event organised by friendly, experienced and very nice people. Next is the Jetstream Triathlon on 14th June but that has sold out as has the Windrush Aquathlon (senior event) but there are places up for grabs at Capital Tri's Splash and Dash event on 6th September and London Fields Aquathlon event on 2nd October. Last but by no means least in the series is the very popular Jekyll and Hyde Duathlon on 30th October."

We have some work to do in the team competition of the London League. After four events the men's team are in 8th position, the girl's team are in 4th position and the mixed team are in 4th position. In the mob match competition we are in 3rd equal. Individually we are in a good shape. Deena Blacking is leading the F25-29, Abigail Boswell and Rebecca Sheperd are 8th and 9th in the F30-34, Helen Croydon is leading the F35-39 with Abigail Swales and Becky Booth in 4th and 5th and Judith Crichton is in 2nd in the F50-54. Lauri Kytomaa is in 5th equal in the M20-24, Nick Brackenbury is in 4th in the M25-29, Seb Balcombe and Wei-Ho Ng are in equal 7th in the M30-34, I am leading the M35-39 with Felipe Elias in 2nd and Krisztian Juhazs is leading the M40-44. Not bad!

There was some great racing from Yokohama a few weeks ago in the ITU World Championship Series. If you want to see some fantastic running form just take a look at Gwen Jorgensen. So often we see amateur runners with a pelvis that rocks from side to side as they move from one stride to the next. Check out how solid Gwen is when she runs. Poetry in motion!

The men provided one of the best sprint finishes the sport has seen with Javier Gomez out sprinting Alistair Brownlee who was having a 'bad day' by his own admission. I must say that Javier's humbleness when he wins and graciousness when he loses makes him one of my favourite athletes.

In other club news junior Hal Crampin won the M16-19 at the Dragon Slayer Duathlon and Amanda Wilmer took the overall win at The Immortal Middle Distance Triathlon. The guts and determination award goes to Shahab Uddin who had to ride the whole 90km on his small chain ring having had a mechanical soon after leaving transition. Hannah Troop posted the fastest female bike split of the day and team Adam Parkes (with runner) took out the team event with Hannah and I in 2nd place. It really is a spectacular setting if you fancy a tough early season middle distance race.

Lastly, the festivals have started in Victoria Park. If we cannot access the track on Tuesday night then we will meet inside the park by the drinking fountain just in front of The People's Park Tavern. Please note however that it will be impossible to keep an eye on any belongings as they will be out of sight once we start the session. Have a great week! See ya, Tim (LFTC Coach)


So much news


A flying start to the season