Fancy an early morning run?

Rob Popper has been taking early morning running sessions at Millfields Park for the past year. The park is well lit, has railings to lock up bikes and a 1km well lit path for circuits, intervals and general training. Rob is happy to open up the session to members of the London Fields Triathlon Club. Sessions start promptly at 6:00am on a Tuesday morning. They run for about an hour and go something like this:

  • 15-20 min of warm-ups
  • 30-40 min of main set
  • 5-10 min cool down and stretching

They also talk a lot about various training goals people have planned in their triathlon training year ahead, as well as things like the importance of hydration and nutrition for all the different skill levels and distances people might be training for.

They cater for all skill levels from complete novices for whom a 30-40 min main session is a challenge but one they want to achieve, up to European and World Age Group champions, Iron-people, and ultra-marathoners. Rob will teach you how to train smart, keep improving, and work with other athletes to be motivated and effective.

For the next few weeks, they will be doing some fun runs, with about 15 minutes of warm-ups and then 45-75 minutes of running along the canal and the marshes at an easy, conversational pace. They would usually structure it so that people who want to do the shorter run will be led back to Millfields Park by 7:00 am, and then the rest can carry on for another 30 minutes or so, depending on how much time people would like to spend running around the marshes or when they have to be back home.

Here is a location map: If you want to attend send us an email and we will put you in touch with Rob.

Go on get up early! Tim (LFTC Coach) and Rob


Set yourself an end of season goal


We are just too popular!