An exciting weekend ahead!

This weekend marks another milestone for the London Fields Triathlon Club. We host our very own event in the form of an aquathlon on Sunday. Thank you to all those who have sacrificed taking part in the event to help run it. The weather is not looking great but battling the elements is all part of the wonderful sport of triathlon!

For those club members that are competing and put their name down for a club tri suit you are in luck! The tri suits arrived today and we will be giving them out on Saturday morning. Our club captain Guy has done a fantastic job designing the tri suits and liaising with Spiuk to have them made just the way we wanted them. Nice work Guy!

The swim session this Saturday will see us focusing on technique rather than fitness so that there will be no problem with you doubling up training on Saturday and racing Sunday. Remember your pull buoys, fins and if you have them paddles.

Keeping in short and sweet this week. See you Saturday. Might even wear my new tri suit poolside! Tim (LFTC Coach)


London Fields Aquathlon - The Results


What's happening this Saturday?