Congratulations to the LFTC Champions of 2012!

At the end of 2012 season party, we gave out awards to some of those in the club who deserved recognition for their efforts throughout the year. Here is the list of our LFTC 2012 superheros...
Nominated by the coaches... 
Female Triathlete of the Year - Gail Wilkinson
(special mention Sarah Allen, Ellen Greaves)
Male Triathlete of the Year - Nathan Dytor
(special mention Joe Dale, Colin Steel, Rhodri)
Most Improved Swimmer - Amanda Wilmer
(special mention John Kennedy, Hannah Moraa)
 Most Improved Runner - Sebastian Arroyave
(special mention Shahab)
Most Improved Cyclist - John Kennedy
(special mention Abi Swayles, Tim Smith, Kath Brasier, Clare Shakespear)
 Most Dedicated LFTC Athlete of the Year - Russell Webley
(special mention - Teri Pengilley, Sarah Deeny)
 Best Newcomer - Shahab Uddin
(special mention Ash Roberts, Matt Charlton)
Most Appearances in the London League - Teri Pengilley
(special mention Ellen Greaves)
Nominated by the Athletes
Coach of the Year - Amanda Wilmer
Extras - nominated by the commitee
Social Star - Sam Hart (although Richard Jelfs shoud have won this)
Club Chef & Photographer - Colin Steel
Creative Director - Rohan Byles
Visionary - Chris Skinner
Finally big up our international athletes, competeing at the World Championships, New Zealand - Ailanore Harper, Sarah Allen and Amanda Wilmer!
A MASSSIVE thank you to everyone else, particularily the athletes, coaches and committee members for making this club absolutley awesome! Oh that is everyone!
Sam (Womens Captain)

A little 'natural' running


We're back at the track this Tuesday