A big weekend for LFTC

Actually we have two big weekends in row. Last weekend Amanda Wilmer, Ash Roberts, John Kennedy, Nathan Dytor and Tom Picking took on Ironaman Copenhagen. Everyone got across the finish line OK which is an achievement in itself. There were also some very impressive performances. Nice work everyone!This weekend is the LFTC junior aquathlon. We are desperate for volunteers! We have athletes from age 8 years up to 19 years competing over different distances. A logistical headache for a start. Registration opens at 8am and we need all hands on deck to set up the registration, course, transition and finish before our athletes arrive.If you can help out on Sunday please come down from 7am at the Lido. We really need upwards of 20 marshals. You all know how important marshals are in making a race an enjoyable experience and this is even more important with junior races and anxious parents! I'll shout you a coffee from E5 after if you come along and lend a hand.See you Sunday morning if not before. Cheers, Tim (LFTC Coach)


Kingfisher Aquathlon entries are open!


Race like Chrissie this weekend in Copenhagen