AnnuAL Training Plan

Our training changes throughout the year to help you work on different aspects of your fitness at different times of the year and help you reach race season in peak condition. This approach is known as periodisation.

There are regular fitness tests throughout the year in each discipline to monitor how you’re progressing and to help set training intensities that are specific to you. Our coaches plan the year to ensure that athletes’ fitness peaks for each of the club’s championship races in that particular calendar year.

We started each year with the base phase to improve aerobic fitness. This largely takes the form of lower intensity sessions and a focus on technique.

From mid-March we move into the build phase during which will work on building speed endurance with slightly higher intensity work.

During the summer race season from May to September, we cycle through several 2-3 week builds with taper and recovery periods before and after races and our Club Camp falls in the middle of one of the longer build periods.

Our main club races are highlighted in the plan below and you can see how our plan flows through the year. Have questions? The best way to find out more is to come along to one of our sessions and chat with our coaches!